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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Protecting the BridgefritzMay 17, 2010

I'm with a group of people, walking along a river, like on the west side of the Willamette. We're going to cross a bridge, and arriving first, I scramble up some bars like a fire escape and attempt to cross some very unstable ledges, sticking out like whale ribs, onto the main part of the bridge. It's not safe, and a long way to the ground, so I give that up and turn back around. My companions, a group of about 10, take a trail further up the embankment, which has turned out to be a much better way. I'm a little annoyed that now I am last in line, and have to wait for them to pass before getting on the trail.

Above the trail there are some other dangerous parts, and the group spreads out to several different routes. A woman who is in charge, perhaps my mother but more authoritative, yells out "All right - Fritz, Dave, Joe, let's get some protection in!", referring to the climbing style of setting anchors and ropes to get the team across the tricky bits. But for this, I need some webbing, and not expecting this situation, I didn't bring any. I have some in my car, but I'll have to go back and get it.

Next: Climb Failures and Successes

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