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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Late to the ServicefritzMay 15, 2011

I'm going to a church service in Newberg. It's very important that I go, because part of it is for memorializing my Aunt Marvelene, who passed away recently (so in real life), and I think her children Lonnie and Lorelene are going to be there.

As we are preparing to leave in a car like a jeep, I back up down a hill and get stuck in the mud, just down from my parents' house, at the bottom of their driveway. There's no way I can get it out, it'll take hours. We run back to the house to find another ride, but it's too late.

We get to the church down in Newberg, a small stone building, but we're really late. Should we even go in, or just wait until it's over? Maybe Lonnie and Lorelene aren't even going to be there, since they already had another memorial and the burial.

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