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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

More Batteries the BetterfritzMay 16, 2006

I'm at a large store, like a K-mart. I finish my shopping and go out to my truck, which is parked nearby on a hill, but I quickly realize that my battery has been stolen.

I look around for who might have stolen it, and I find somebody that I knew a long time ago, perhaps in high school. He is having trouble starting his truck, and in trying to solve the problem, he has stolen a number of batteries from vehicles in the parking lot, and has wired them together in a real mess under his truck. My first intention is just to take my battery back, but I'm not sure which is mine - although I know the brand name, I don't see it.

But I decide to help them, asking "Don't you have any idea what you're doing?" No, they admit they don't.

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