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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Ghost Cat, Deft Driving, and a GoosingfritzNov 19, 2011

As I walk through my bedroom, I keep seeing Vita (my precious kitty who passed away earlier this week, at 18 years old). She's on the bed, but when I try to touch her, she disappears. At one point I see two of her, one on the bed, and one on the nightstand, under the shelf. Then as I'm passing through the room, somebody is with me, and I say quickly "do you see that cat there?", checking to see if it is my imagination. No, they see her, she's real, and this time I can pick her up and pet her. But then she turns into a very red-colored and long-haired cat.

Then I'm across the street, sitting in a car, and same thing. I am holding this cat, and I can imagine her to be Vita, but when I'm not focusing she turns into this other cat. Then I notice that the old lady who lives there is in her car, and I'm blocking her from backing out. So I start to back up, but then I notice that her daughter is parked right behind me, and I almost run into her. But I deftly maneuver a multipoint turn, squeezing out between then and backing up into my driveway.

Then I'm with an unidentified girl, and we're leaning on the stair railing at my house, as if reading something together. I have my arms around her, in a comfortably intimate way. But then Mark passes behind me, and as he does so, gooses me in the butt with some shaft made of tin foil. I get rather mad at him, and come at him trying to hit him, and yelling "why can't I just have a minute with a girl without you trying to shove something in my ass!", but he is really strong, he grabs my hands and I can't lay a punch on him.

Next: Drive Through Sparking Wires

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