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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Back to School, Pager Seizure DudefritzNov 25, 2011

I'm on a school bus. There is a mixup about whose belongings are whose; I think I changed seats, from the left of the aisle to the right, forgetting a black pack containing a few things. Then somebody else sat there, and now I have to get them back from them.

Then I check the storage area in front of my seat, and I find three sweaters of mine that I must have left in there several weeks ago! It's amazing that they are still here! But perhaps even more surprising, they are zipped together, with the right half of each zipper connected to the left half of a different sweater. It's a pretty neat trick, and the only reason I can think of is to keep them together, since they were lost together.

I'm apparently going to a younger kids school, like a high school or even junior high. For some reason I have to go there for a couple of credits, and I'm thinking about how I will explain to them that I am 42 and have a Bachelor's degree. I'm not sure where to get off the bus; it goes several places, and I thought mine was the "central" or "main" campus, but I can't tell whether this is it or not. I don't get off.

A young kid on the bus sees me and says "hey, I know you, you're in several of my classes."

"No, that must be somebody else," I say, since I haven't been to any classes yet.

"Yes you are," he says. "You're the one with the funny pager and the seizures."

Mocking him, I pantomime that my phone has silently buzzed, pull it out and look at it, and then start flailing wildly.

Next: Picks but No Pants

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