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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

It Was a BirdbathfritzDec 3, 2011

I'm in my old red truck, loading up a bunch of things from somebody's garage, on a steep driveway. Everything is loaded, and I notice that there is a TV, my old black RCA TV that I had for years, on top of the truck, near the back. Oh well, not to worry, it rode quite a ways up there and seems to be stable.

I start backing out of the driveway and suddenly there is a huge bump and a crash, and I get out to see what happened. There was a green power transformer box on the side of the driveway by the road, and it is completely destroyed. It looks like something fell on it, but it isn't the TV, which is still on top of the truck.

The lady of the house asks what fell. I see some pieces around on the ground, and I say "it was a birdbath, a really nice one too. Darn."

Next: Stolen or Misplaced Car

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