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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Loose Dog ProblemsfritzFeb 1, 2012

I'm out on a big circular walk with my dogs and my brother Dave. We are heading toward my house on Allen Boulevard, near where I work, walking on the south side of the street.

My dogs are running loose, and suddenly some other loose dogs and some women arrive from Arctic Drive, on the opposite side of the street. My dogs run over there and start greeting the other dogs. It's scary, some cars are coming and the dogs are out of control. One of the dogs lies down and plays dead, a dog that looks like Charlie but is much larger.

I get really tall, or just up in the air, so I'm looking down over the scene and everybody is really tiny. I start yelling at Charlie to stay, but I'm calling him Sydney. Then I go over there to put his leash on, coming back to normal size. I joke to the women that it is lucky that none of them are named Cindy, otherwise it would be really confusing, and they think that is funny.

It seems like then we're in a car, but it seems a long way back to wherever we started, and I have to get to work soon. "Where did we even start?" I ask Dave, and we together remember starting from some parking lot over near the intersection of Hall and Allen, in a strip mall that doesn't exist in real life. I think I left my car there, so we have to go back there to get it, instead of going straight home.

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