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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Back to High SchoolfritzAug 3, 2012

I'm back at Newberg High School, trying to find a class. Apparently I wanted to continue my education, but there were some lingering problems, so I had to pick up some classes. I couldn't take them at PCC, so the next choice was to go back to high school. I feel very out-of-place here.

Lots has changed. It seems like it's gotten a lot more commercial. Now they even have an ATM.

My class is in a strange place, with a name like 'DOM3', that doesn't tell you where it is, like it's in an annex or something. I see these kids sitting around in the courtyard, so I ask them, and tell them why I am here. One kid tries to explain where my class is, then gets up like he is just going to walk me there.

Next: Garbage Movie

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