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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Car Robbery and AvalanchefritzSep 13, 2012

I'm at a museum, like where OMSI used to be. I come out to find that my car, which is Natasha's new Spark, has been vandalized in the parking lot. It's been broken into, by sawing off the whole passenger side of the car. It seems they didn't steal anything important; the car is full of empty backpacks, and they went through them. I don't see anything missing, but the car is ruined. It seems I was warned about this being an unsafe place to park.

I go into a museum on the other side of the parking lot, where the zoo is in real life, to complain about the robbery. They are just closing up, and the doors are locked, but a security guard is just passing through the door in my direction and I squeeze through the door while it's open. There's a high desk there, as in the front of an office, but the woman is busy with some closing-related paperwork in the back.

I suddenly realize that I don't know where Sydney (my dog) is. I think she was in the car, previous to the robbery, and probably escaped and is running around loose. I didn't see her or think about it. But I had better get out and find her! Somebody is with me at the desk, I think one of my brothers, so I ask him if he can stay and file the complaint, while I go look for Sydney.

Back out in the parking lot, where I meet my mother, who is with my grandmother. My mom says "I know this is awkward for everyone, but I need a favor. Grandma is really crabby and I think we should give her a cigarette. Would you happen to have one?"

I answer that I don't know, I think there were some in my car but it has been robbed and I don't know if they are still there, but I will look. Except now, I can't find my car.

I wander around looking for it - I'm sure it was parked right here - but it isn't anywhere to be found. However, at the lower end of the parking lot is a shop where these guys are working on a few dozen sawed-up cars just like the damage done to mine, priming and painting them and rebuilding them. One of them might be mine, but I can't tell because they are all hollow and primer-colored. What a racket these guys have going on!

I walk back up to where my car had been, or at least out of the body-shop area. Towering above us is a big mountain, and I notice some avalanches starting to develop. I point this out to somebody, I think my brother Joe, who is standing nearby. Wow, look at all that! The side of the mountain all turns to little whorls that start cascading down. An amazing thing to see!

We don't seem to be in any danger, but in the distance I can see a tiny speck of a person on the mountain being struck by the avalanche. They extend their legs into a position like sitting on the floor, surfing on the avalanche, and the air carries them all they way down to the parking lot, where they float quickly past me about four feet from the ground, and settle onto a grassy area on the other side.

There seem to be several people who have arrived this way, like a man and wife and a child, and now they are standing around, shocked and dazed. I tell the bystanders to call 911, they might look ok but they've been through a lot and might be severely injured.

Next: Forgot Camera

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