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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Mysterious Disco IncidentfritzJan 6, 2013

It is a dream in a dream... I'm watching some videos on my slider portable computer, and falling into them. One of them is a nature show where a jungle cat is attacking and killing a horse, right in the face of viewer, like the camera is pointing up from the ground right at the point of the attack. It gets so scary and horrifying that I wake up and pull myself out of it.

Then I'm at a dark, grey-walled place, like a disco. There's a particularly hot young couple, thin and well-dressed, dancing together. Me and some other people are sort of standing around, and I think some people are sitting on the floor. The hot couple are getting hotter and hotter, more and more sexual in their moves.

Suddenly the guy pulls the girl into a sort of alcove in the wall, just about a 8-foot corner, and the rest of us are like whoa, check it out, are they going to do it right here in the club? Clothes are coming off, it looks like they are... in the dark I see a penis, but wait, isn't that the girl? Maybe she wasn't a girl, a transexual? Or maybe the one I though was a guy is a girl? In the dark, I can't tell, but there is some crazy shit going on there.

Suddenly I awaken, still in the disco, but some indeterminate amount of time has passed. Julie has come there to meet me, and woke me up off the floor. I get up clumsily, realizing that my pants are down around my ankles - not completely off, and my underwear is still on, but I have no idea how that happened. I pull my pants up and follow Julie. I don't know how long I was asleep, or what time of day it is.

She leads me to this trail, a steep trail downhill about 30 feet to a beach. She climbs down first, leaving me behind, and then a young girl appears behind me. I have to ask her "are you Abbie?" (Julie's daughter) and she says yes she is. But she's younger than Abbie in real life, maybe four or five years old, and freckled. I help her down the rocks, to a beautiful beach where Julie has set up a camp.

It's such a pretty place, I think I should take some 3D pictures of it. Julie is going to cook some chicken, and asks me if I'll be having any. I show her a big slab of chicken in my hand, that I got from somewhere else, that I am eating. But I don't know where I got it, or whether it is properly cooked - it looks almost raw. I think I have been carrying it around and nibbling on it for a long time. I'm not sure if I'm hungry. I feel very out of it.

I'm still concerned about what time of day it is, and what happened in the intervening time. The sky is grey, so I can't tell. I check my watch, and it says 8, but it's my analog watch that doesn't give an indication of am or pm, and anyway I'm not sure it is right. I ask Julie, she says she thinks it is 11, but also doesn't say am or pm. I tell her my watch says 8, and she says, well it's somewhere between 8 and 11.

Next: Driving with Girls and Passing through Church

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