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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Tiger!fritzJun 11, 2013

I'm outside, in a place that seems to be the area just below Bell Road, in front of my parents' house. There is a bit of open space there below the road, before the woods begins. Someone is there with me, facing me (I'm facing northeast), and over their shoulder I see a tiger and yell "Tiger!", pointing in its direction.

We both look at it, but it slips silently into the woods. Wow! I wish I had a camera on hand!

Then we see a little baby tiger, smaller than a domestic cat, crawling toward us along the grass. It seems lost and distressed. The person with me picks it up. I think I try to take some pictures of it, and then it occurs to me that where there is a baby tiger there is probably a mother tiger who wouldn't like us handling her cub, and would have the means to enforce her displeasure. So we take the cub quickly and timidly to the edge of the woods, where the mother tiger almost immediately picks it up and again disappears into the woods.

I sneak down the trail to see where they went. Not far in, I see where their den is, but I am not about to present myself to them. I peek around just enough to get a glimpse of the mother tiger's tail and hind parts, and then sneak away.

(I just saw a couple of coyotes right on the corner of Oleson Road, similarly appearing and slipping away into the forest).

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