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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Breaking and EnteringfritzAug 19, 2013

I'm with my old bandmate Troy, attempting to break down a door. I know how it's done, because I tried it once before. There is some latch we have to manipulate, and then put your shoulder into it. After a couple tries, it pops open.

The door opens to an apartment that my ex Misha shares with some roommates. She is in the lower bunk of a bunkbed directly across from the door, and she pops up from sleep, but that's all we see of her.

The leader of the house is a guy that looks like Michael Cera, at about 16 or 17 years old. He is quite offended that we broke into his house, and I apologize. It was supposed to be some sort of joke, I explain, but I realize it's not funny, it was stupid, and I shouldn't have done it. I have to explain that to several people. They don't seem mad, they just think it was stupid. I don't know what happened to Troy, maybe he didn't even come in.

Michael and his girlfriend get out some drug and offer some to me. I think that this might be a good way to make friends and diffuse the offense of breaking into his house. This drug is some household chemical; they dip a thumb tack in it, and then poke it in one of three specific places - I think your third eye, and someplace on the neck and one other place, and it is supposed to result in some high that only lasts about 15 minutes. Sure, I say, I'll try it with you.

They dose themselves with the drug but not me; they get distracted, and Michael starts cooking burgers for about eight other members of the household, who are all lined up on a bench awaiting the food. He offers me a burger, I think, but he asks me an unintelligible question. I get him to repeat it, but still I don't understand. It makes no sense. He gets impatient with me for not understanding it, but I just can't make out the words, or the words are unfamiliar to me.

Then I sort of go off on him; he's the one using unintelligible words, and anyway he said he was going to give me some of this drug which he didn't do! Obviously I'm the sane and rational person here!

Next: Dark Dream

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