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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Beach MoonfritzJan 14, 2014

I'm at a rocky beach, at night, looking out to the ocean with a tall craggy peninsula to my right. The moon is huge, so huge that it takes up the entire sky, and I think about the old discussions about how big the moon looks, how it really is always the same size. Not this one; it's vastly different than any I've seen before. Then it starts to turn, and I notice familiar landmasses - it's not the moon, it's earth! How is that possible? I reach for my camera to shoot a video of it, but it rapidly disappears into the distance in the night sky.

At the same place, in what may be the next day, I swim an hour and a half out to some island. Then I swim back, but right when I get back to the beach I realize that I forgot my stuff, a backpack or something, and left it on the island, and hour and a half swim away. I have to swim back and get it.

But then my friend Dena takes me out there in her boat, a small motored yacht with a partially enclosed deck, along with a young girl about five years old.

Next: Kissing Before Movie

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