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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

My Horse is a CowfritzMar 3, 2014

I'm walking out by my parents' barn, with a very nice horse that belongs to their former neighbor, Janice. There are some other people with me, and we are looking for berries.

They stay up by the barn, and I turn down a driveway past the barn (which doesn't exist in real life), and go down to the gravel road. We are dragging a long climbing rope which is attached to the horse, I think so that we can get back up the steep hill of the driveway. It trails along the side of the road, out of sight as we proceed.

We come to a field and the horse runs off to play with some other horses (like dogs at the doggie park), but they begin to fight in a way that is scarily violent. The horse gets the rope looped around her neck, and I'm afraid for her safety.

A farmer gathers the horses into a barn. I go to see if 'my' horse is ok and to take her home. My brother Steve says she's fine, and she's really nice and friendly, pointing her out to me in a stall.

I start petting her; she rubs her head on me very affectionately, hugging me with her neck in a really sweet way. But then I notice it's not my horse at all, it's a cow.

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