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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Baby Care and Lost SydneyfritzJun 22, 2014

I'm at my parents', and I've been unexpectedly given the job of taking care of a baby for a couple of days. We're just talking over the care it will need, and getting the baby seat I need, and such, and I realize that I forgot my dog Sydney, and left her in Salem. We were putting some things in the car so I let her out, and then we just drove away without her.

I'm not sure if I should take the baby or not, but I need to go very soon, and the baby isn't ready.

I end up back at my house on Garden Home Road, which is almost empty but there is a girl who lives there with me, as if renting a room. It's 10 o'clock, but I didn't bring the baby, which means that it got left with somebody else. And I still need to find Sydney. I pick up the phone and start dialing my mom to ask her if I should come pick up the baby, but the girl is on the line. I hang up, but before I do I hear something that implies nudity, so I walk through the house and casually past where she is, trying to sneak a peak. I think she's standing in the bathroom, explaining something she sees in the mirror, and I see a little bit of side-boob. Anyway I have to use the phone.

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