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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Fancy Car and Fishing (with Crab Attack)fritzJan 9, 2015

I'm driving a fancy car, a classic from like the 60's or something, along 99W toward Dundee. I'm stuck in traffic, and I see that coming up behind me is Rainn Wilson (Dwight from The Office), and he's bullying his way up the median, swearing angrily at the traffic and generally acting rude and entitled. When he reaches me I realize that my car is the reason he's doing that, and he shouts out the window "Is that yours? 18?"

I yell back that no, it's my friend's car, and I don't know what he means by "18", and then I realize that he meant the car was 18 years old, and I should have known that's what he was talking about.

I finally get to where I was going, though I'm late, and it's dark now. It's the trail to a fishing spot, and me and a couple other people start making our way to where the fish are. We end up in the water, getting deeper and deeper, and when it's up to my chest I think 'well, we're already wet now', which is fine except I forgot to remove my wallet, which is now soaked. I take it out anyway and hold it above the water.

There are lots of colorful fish in the water (it's light now, though I don't think it's morning), and brightly-colored, polka-dotted shrimp and crayfish. How awesome! And there's even a huge lizard, like three feet long, perched in a sort of hole in a branch over the water.

We get to where the fish are, and somehow catch a few with our hands and eat them. I don't remember tasting them, but thinking how it's all been worth it!

I start making my way back through the water, and get to a shallow place where I can see mossy rocks on the bottom as the water flows over them. One of them moves, and then folds out to a huge and aggressive crab, bigger than a basketball, and he is after me! He must be very old, judging by the amount of moss on him, and he definitely thinks he can take a bite of me. It scares me so much that I awaken.

Then there's another scene in which I'm going with a number of people in a huge truck, like a semi. The steering wheel seems to be on the right side, and a girl takes the wheel who has never driven such a truck before, but she seems fine with it. After a few minutes, we stop at a store.

It's late in the evening, and I tell the girl that the plan is that she will be driving all night, does she need a drink or anything from the store? But no, not really all night, just for a few hours, and if she gets tired somebody else can take the wheel.

Next: Sis In My Cabin

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