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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Oriental Pet Lady and Her Fascinating FishfritzSep 24, 2015

I'm in a nondescript grey room, like a jail, sitting on a couch. Through a grubby window into an adjacent room I see a face of someone vaguely familiar, and he seems to recognize me too. He comes around the wall and sits down on the couch with me, while we try to figure out how we know each other. I ask him if he went to my high school and college... he seems to have gone to both of them, but still neither of us can remember exactly how we know each other. I suggest that we probably just ran into each other vaguely, in some social or class situation.

But we hang out as though familiar, and he invites me back to his house. His mom is there, on the couch, an older oriental woman. I talk to her about her pets - she has several dogs, and cats, and fish tanks, and the most interesting fish - these ones about three inches tall, that seem to be walking along the bottom of the tank, together in a little march, with little fins that look like hands. I think how neat they are, but it would be so hard if they died because they are so personable. She also has some fish that lean their tails on this rock shelf - at least until startled, in which case they swim off to the bottom. The shelf is a wonder to me - how does it suspend there, halfway off the bottom of the tank? Maybe I can make one in my tank, so my fish can rest their tails.

She has indoor pets, and outdoor pets, like sheep or something, and several small children peek out from a hallway. It seems like she would be busy, but she lies there on the couch.

(Is this about Michele? She is oriental and is busy and has kids and pets...)

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