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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Guests in my TentfritzDec 11, 2015

I'm at my house, in the spare bedroom that is attached to the master bedroom. I have a tent in there, only half set-up, occupying most of the room. Also there are my historic friends Anna and Angelique.

Anna says she wants to go in the tent, and I think this is some sort of come-on, so I'm like sure, and we climb into the tent, which isn't really standing on its own, it's just all around us like it's collapsed. There's a blanket in there too and I try to wrap it around us, but it isn't big enough to go both below and above us, so I propose just lying on the tent floor and putting the blanket on top. But Anna doesn't like this tent business, so she gets out and Angelique gets in.

She immediately puts up the main tent pole, which is like a thick robot arm, and winds something, and the tent pops out into a big cavern, enough to comfortably stand in.

"How many generators do you have?" she asks.

"I'm not sure," I say, "but you shouldn't need any generators, you can just wind it by hand."

"Well I'm not going to sit here and wind it," she says, and allows the tent to collapse again. I try to wind it by hand but I can't quite figure out what she was doing to get it to stand up like that.

Next: Poem for Carl

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