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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

"Milk or Milk Products"fritzDec 14, 2015

I'm at a bar, a huge vaulted room, where I've been hanging out all evening with some friends, but I'm completely sober. Everybody else has already left, and I'm packing up my stuff to leave too, but I decided to leave behind a couple things - these big sheaves of bushes, with prickles and fresh fruit on them, strawberries and raspberries, like I had bought the whole branches to get the fruit. But they are rather difficult to manage, so I just leave them.

I then go to a grocery store, where I'm supposed to meet Natasha, but she's right in the front of the store, on some benches (like short church pews) that they have there, like a waiting area. She tells me that she is there because if you've had any alcohol, or milk or milk products in the last couple hours, you have to wait for a while, you're not allowed to go into the store. Apparently Natasha had some milk.

There's a lady there, at a desk behind a glass wall, who seems to be in charge, so I ask her, "Seriously? You aren't allowed to shop if you've had milk products?"

"No," she says, "don't you know that some people have a reaction to milk just like alcohol?"

"Sure," I say, "but that's really rare. Most people don't have any reaction at all."

She's rather curt and impatient, as one might expect for somebody in her position, and I'm sure she gets these questions all the time and she's just following orders, so I follow up with something light and humorous.

I guess Natasha is stuck there for a while, so I go back out the door, following a paved path that passes through an archway built with wire, like for a wedding, with some plants, like vines, growing over it, but it's constrained enough that I'd have to duck to get through it. There is a little boy of about five or six just passing through the other way, so I dive forward in order to get through before him (like some sort of football move), but I bump my head on his arm and knock him flat. He gets up and seems fine, but I follow him back toward the store to tell his mom. I meet her in the vestibule (she's really cute), and tell her what happened, that he's probably ok, but just in case his arm is sore.

Next: Traveling, Not in China

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