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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Camping Obstacle CoursefritzMar 26, 2016

I'm out camping in a field with some friends, I think Ty and Shawn, but they've gone away for a while, and I'm here alone setting up some things. First I have to untangle these two huge strings of christmas lights, which takes forever and gets me really frustrated. They're endlessly long, just millions of lights, and I keep stepping on them, though they are LEDs, so maybe they won't break, but I can't tell because they're not lit up yet. I'm trying to set them in a circle around the fire, but I have to build a fire too, and maybe I should have started that first so I'd have some light. No, then I'd have to be tending it the whole time and wouldn't get the untangling done.

Also I have no kindling, so I go off to find some. I gather a few things, and then I find this field of stalks like corn, which looks like good firewood. There is somebody there and I ask him what the stalks are, and he says they are some small treelike plant is used for building material. Since they are somebody's crop, perhaps this guy's, I don't want to take a lot of them, but I take one for my fire.

I'm carrying this plant and some other tinder that I picked up, and I come across this obstacle course, built in a barn as a little adventure park. It has this wall you have to climb up, though as a rock climber it's pretty easy, but I'm still carrying this tree and stuff. I find a new route around to the side of it, at the very edge of the plastic form, but there's insulation on the side of it which is kind of unpleasant.

I get to the top of the wall, around 15 feet, and realize that my dog Charlie won't be able to get up it, so I descend back to the ground and call him to help him up, but to my surprise he gets the idea and manages to scramble up it himself.

I continue through the obstacle course, which is arranged in this barn like a haunted house at halloween-time. Just when I think I'm getting to the end, I come to a door, and open it, but it's marked with a big 'X' for no entry. The door is a secret, and you have to find it.

I find my out, and there's a little snack bar at the end, where I sit down at a picnic table (but still inside the barn), and my cousin Paul comes up and offers me one of these green leaf-wrapped things. I think they might be something I had in India, a flavorful tobacco-based thing with a bunch of other ingredients that you put in your mouth and savor. I ask Paul what this is, and he doesn't give a name to it but he takes out several and names off their different flavors, one of which is pineapple. They're rather large to put in your mouth whole (also a feature of the ones I had in India), and I ask Paul if you're supposed to put it in your mouth whole or take smaller bites, and he demonstrates by taking one and breaking off a chunk of it but it's not clear what his point is, whether you should or shouldn't do that. I ask him, "is it quat?" and then repronounce, "or qat, I mean?", leaving out the 'w' sound.

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