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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Caught a CougarfritzMay 2, 2017

I'm the passenger in the front seat of a car driven by my former girlfriend Tiffany from many years ago. She stops the car because we see a large tan cougar cross in front of the car, and then pass very close to my door. "I think I can grab it," I say, "and we'll be some sort of heroes." It seems that this cougar has been missing from the zoo or somewhere.

I reach out the open car window and grab the cougar around the neck, not sure if it will attack me or what. It doesn't seem to mind, and somehow I manage to get out of the car and get it into my arms. Even though it's a full-sized cougar, it's small enough for me to hold. Tiffany asks me if we should put it in the car, and I say no, that might freak it out, so I'll just walk with it back to me house, which is just around the corner, and she can bring the car.

We get back to my house, which seems to be in the same place as my real house, but is nothing like it. We walk first through an open outer door into this garagelike entryway. The door is still open to outside, but the cougar seems to be getting a little worried about being trapped, and is looking around nervously. I'm concerned that it will shred me if it gets too nervous, but Tiffany can't find the key to the door. She digs around for it in her purse, and I'm frustrated that she doesn't have some consistent place to store it.

Next: About to Crash

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