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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Waiting for the TrainfritzMay 20, 2017

I'm going somewhere on a train. Some of my family are going too, but they're on a different train, and I wasn't supposed to see them, but somehow I caught up with them. I am surprised to see my nephews, as I walk along the platform, sitting in seats on the outside of the train.

On the outside of the train, there is a narrow wall that sticks out for the full height of the train, and built in near the bottom is an intersecting platform that forms two seats, one facing forward and one facing backward. It doesn't seem like a very comfortable place to ride, but my nephew are sitting there waiting to depart. I say hi to them and ask them, confirming, these are your seats? Yep they are. Do they even have seat belts? No they don't. Wow, I didn't think they even had seats like that.

This is all built of shiny stainless steel, and I also notice that there is a little gap where a reflection comes through, and if I stand at just the right angle, facing one of the children, I can see the reflection of the other, even though they are facing the other way, through the gap, and talk to them both. The physics make no sense.

Then they take off, and I go back to waiting for my train. There are these couches on the platform, and my stuff is there, but mostly I'm walking around.

In the crowd I see a tall guy who was supposed to be with my nephews, but he looks like a guy M. Charlesworth that I knew in high school. He missed have missed their train.

These young girls appear suddenly, a little bit tarted up, and get on these guys laps on the couch. I take them to be some sort of minor-level prostitutes, paid to get the guys off on this couch. They are there for a couple minutes, and get up and go away one by one. The last pair seem to be both girls, so I wonder if I assessed the situation correctly. I make some joke with them about slurping when they get up, which they don't seem to laugh at.

Next: Duplicate Kitchen and Old Time Circus

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