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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

My Parents Have SnakesfritzNov 17, 2017

I'm driving out to my parents'. Sydney is in the back of the truck, but instead of her usual place in the 'trunk', she climbs up onto the back seat and settles there. I don't want her on the seat, so I tell her to get in the back, but she won't go. I have some kind of greasy food in a bag, so I throw some bits back into the back, saying to her "I'll get you to go back there, you'll find every one of these bits".

Along the road, probably at that big dip up on the hill near my parents', there is a car coming toward me that runs out of power and starts coasting backward, back down the hill. It's driven by what appears to be a Mexican woman, with at least one other woman in the car. I think that once they start backing, they will go off the road, but they don't, and I start to imagine that they will just oscillate back on forth on the hill. It becomes a full computer simulation in my mind, and I run it a few iterations, but it always seems to end up with her crashing into me at the bottom of the hill (with a little crash computer graphic), so I just stop and let her do her thing.

I get to my parents' house, and they have this box of poisonous snakes that they collected from the farm, like cobras. I guess I'm supposed to help with this, and they give me this other animal that I should put in the box, which is supposed to kill them or something. It's like a lizard, but with very pretty colors, as if tracing the muscles in its body with purple and tan highlights. This lizard is also poisonous, and rears its head up like a cobra trying to bite you. Somebody hands it to me and shows me how to hold it with my hand behind its head, but it keeps slipping away to where it could clearly bite my fingers, and I'd probably end up in the hospital, but it doesn't bite, and I try to grab closer to the back of its head.

This girl named Lisa is there (from the Gospel Chapel youth group, who I would hardly have remembered, except she showed up in a picture on Facebook a couple days ago), and everybody is wishing her a happy birthday, but as she sits down on the couch in the living room, she points out that it isn't the right day. Then everybody is wondering how we got the wrong day, and I don't say, but I know that it came from me, it was my error.

Next: Got the CD's

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