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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Boating Gum TroublefritzJan 23, 2018

I'm on a dock, in the cool morning. The dock is shaded by a roof, but there is sun out on the water. I'm talking with a couple people, one of which I think is my brother Dave, but young, about 15 or so. We're talking about how chilly it is, but I'm loading up my boat to paddle out into the sun. My boat is a small, round inflatable, like a wading pool, but just big enough for me to sit in.

I've put in about three things to take out with me, on the floor of the boat. I don't recognize a couple of the objects, but the next thing I throw in is my underwater camera, the one in the big heavy case.

The last thing before I leave is to spit out my gum. I go up the dock to a place where spit-out gum goes, a repository like those cigarette bins with a tall chimney and a hole. I try to stuff my gum in the hole, but it's too much, it's a whole mouthful of the stringy stuff that I'm trying to jam in there, and it fills up the hole where the gum goes. There somebody else waiting there to throw away their gum, so I change my mind and pull all my gum out to throw away in the regular trash.

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