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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

A Cold ToastfritzDec 16, 2018

It's the end of a play in which I performed, in a small dark theater much like the one we performed in back in high school. I stand up to make a dedication to the director, because apparently there were a lot of adversities and complications to the production. I pantomime to the sound guys to bring a microphone, and to the backstage to bring the director, and to somebody, I think my mom, in the audience to bring up the flowers. They bring the mic, but my person in the audience signals that she forgot the flowers, and the person they bring isn't the director that I was requesting, it's a woman that looks like actress Cristin Milioti.

So there I am with the microphone and not really anything to say. I get nervous, to where I can barely find any words... "so I wanted to thank the director because it was really difficult to make this production..." and that's it.

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