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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Explosive ReunionfritzFeb 25, 2019

I'm at some sort of class reunion, like for high school, but it doesn't seem like everybody is as old as they are in real life. We're gathered in an auditorium, where students are taking turns with little themed performances, but they're not allowed to use fireworks so they're using live gunpowder, and they don't seem to know how much to use. On stage is a young man with some sort of apparatus, of which he lights the fuse, and it turns into a huge fireball, scorching the ceiling, and inflaming some features that hang down from there. I'm concerned that the whole place will go up in flames, so I get up from my seat (off to the right of the stage, down nearish the front), and hang around at the back where I could make a quick escape.

Later I run into the three Kelsey siblings (Carmen and her two brothers), and I incorrectly identify the middle brother as Daniel, and he corrects me, no, his older brother here is Daniel, he is Mike. Actually, in real life, the middle brother is Loren.

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