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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Methods of QuittingfritzAug 7, 2019

I'm at some sort of beach with some sort of family. It's like a river beach, and Alona is sunbathing naked. There's a volleyball court on a sandy surface next to a cliff leading down to the river. We're sitting on blankets near the court, but then a trashy family with a lot of kids arrives and sets up their blankets on the court, and it starts to seem too crowded.

We go to a Shari's restaurant in a large city like New York. All the tables are full, but the waitress says that's fine, they have some more tables outside, and leads us up the block and around the corner, where there are a couple of picnic tables set out on the sidewalk, but under a cover, like the sidewalk area of the building was carved out, with a high-rise above it, and cars parked along the curb where the table sits.

There are a couple of hobo-looking ladies there, and one is just about to give the other some injectable drugs. "You can't do that here," I say, and to their protests of 'well we can do whatever we want', I respond "NO I MEAN YOU CAN'T DO THAT HERE WITH SOMEBODY YELLING IN YOUR FACE AND THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I'M GOING TO DO".

The one lady is inside a car, I'm yelling at her through the windshield, and I see that she has a tiny baby in her arms (sort of on her side, as if nestled in the crack between the seat and the door), so I change to a gentle tone. "You're seriously going to do that, with that little baby? What if something happens to her? Is that what she wants from her mama? How can you take care of her if you're high?"

She still reaches for the drugs, so I touch her arm and say "Please? Please? For your baby, please don't do it," and then she seems to acquiesce, turning the drugs back to her friend.

Next: Christmas Tattoo

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