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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Walking My ElephantfritzSep 19, 2019

I'm walking an elephant. I don't think I own it, but I work with it regularly, at some zoo or charity, and know it well. I don't have any sort of leash or, I note, one of those hooks that mahouts usually use to guide elephants, so I'm just guiding it by verbal instructions. We're walking on a narrow track - a road, but natural, not paved or graveled - in the jungle.

We come to a clearing and down the hill we can see a small village, and in the center of it, a couple of elephants, I think one male and one female. My elephant, who is female, immediately runs down there to greet the other elephants, like they know each other, and though I call after her, she doesn't listen. The elephants start hugging, happy to see each other, and then the bull mounts my elephant and they start having sex.

I can't get my elephant away from there to continue our walk, and I guess I leave them for a while and figure maybe I can get her attention later. But I lose her, and later I am walking along the trail-road (same one as before, but on the other side of the village) calling out for the lost elephant, but it seems hopeless. I'm not even sure if she would come if she heard me, and who knows where she is now.

But she hears me, and comes running up the trail back to me, happy to see me again.

Next: Leaving Hawaii

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