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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Lost CamerafritzNov 14, 2019

I've stopped somewhere at night, as if on a road trip. I think I was on a bus or something, but we are traveling with some motorcycle riders. One of the motorcycle riders is a woman with large breasts, who complains that the bumpy road shook up her boobs. I joke with her that they may need to be adjusted, and she says definitely.

I ask her if I can ride with her on her bike, because the bus is leaving and I have to go back inside because I lost my camera. And also my wallet, I discover. I go inside this dark dingy place like an old disco. I think that my camera fell out of my pocket when I was on the toilet, so I go looking for that bathroom, attended by an employee of the establishment, but I think we take a wrong turn, and go down a hallway that isn't the one where the bathrooms are. I open a side door where I think the bathroom should be, but there's just dirt behind there, like it's an access door to under the building. No, this isn't it, I say, we're in the wrong place.

We go back through the hallway to the front, where there is a desk, like at a hotel. Now I remember, the bathroom is down this way. But before I go there, I think I should ask at the desk if they have picked up the camera. There is a girl there on a stool and when I ask her, she points to an small cupboard door on the side of the the desk, down low. I open it to find three little cameras, all of them small red portable cameras (I'm looking for the small red portable camera that I lost in Hawaii, in real life), but none of them mine. I tell the girl that yes it's a small red camera like these ones, but not one of these, are there any others they've found? But now I'm feeling like we're getting late, my entourage has already gone on without me, and it will be difficult to catch up. I seem to have forgotten about my wallet.

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