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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

KittensfritzJan 17, 2020

I'm on the road below my parents' house, at the corner. A lady drives by in a car, throwing kittens out the window. I rescue one who is very small, not more than a couple of weeks old, eyes not even open, and take her back up to the house. Then I come back and pick up another one, who is more like 8 weeks, at the point of being all fuzzy and mewing about her surroundings. I think there were two other older ones thrown, but I don't know what happens to the others. I have the two kittens up at the house, I think in the basement, but there are no features in view except a countertop on which I'm placing them.

Somebody comes in - perhaps Michele - and asks me what is going on, and I explain about the kittens. While I'm explaining, I am not paying attention to the cats, and then I look down and they are on the floor a meter or so away, and the larger one is trying to eat the smaller one. She's bitten off some skin in the fold of her leg, like the armpit. I pick them up - poor defenseless little thing, it already had some bloody skin injuries and now this. Well, it's not hopeless, I think, if I can keep it fed and alive maybe those will deal up.

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