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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Shouldn't Be in a High SchoolfritzAug 1, 2020

I'm in an institutional building, like a school. I seem to not know where I'm going, like whatever I thought was happening was canceled. A large aggressive lady confronts me, and the conversation goes something like this:

"Hey what are you doing here? This is a high school."

"I was supposed to meet some people here for swimming..."

"And what is this you're wearing? What store did you buy it at?"

I'm wearing a sleeveless white T-shirt, and a pair of blue shorts which is shorter than men wear today, like from the 70's. "This isn't the sort of thing you buy at the store," I say, "it's probably from Goodwill. I didn't really expect to be wearing it around, I though I was going to be swimming."

I escape from the woman and head back toward the pool changing room, where I was originally supposed to meet someone, but they didn't show up. I get back to this changing room, like a locker room in a gym, and am surprised that my belongings are still there, folded neatly on a bench, held down by a book.

Next: Busted with Molokai

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