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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Panic BuyingfritzMar 28, 2021

I'm at a store, which isn't familiar from real life. I came here just to get a couple of pedestrian items, but I notice the employees trying to close down the store and I remember it's Christmas Eve, and I'm not ready! I rush over to this display of black digital watches and grab one - another one, I think I was already buying one - but then I think who would even want such a watch? But I have to get some thing for people in case I forgot. I need a couple of VISA cards. I need 1x$100 and 2x$50. Where is that VISA card stand?

I find the VISA card stand but it's empty, all sold out. It's right by the end of the checkout line and I see the last person in line take the last good one. There are still some cards hanging on the mostly-empty rack, but they are some off-brand and I'm not sure if they will even work.

Well anyway by now I'm in the shopping line and I see somebody with a mask and realize I forgot mine, here I've been shopping maskless this whole time and probably everybody has been looking at me. I try to cover my face with my sweatshirt - whose sweatshirt even is this? It has some weird stiff collar that makes it difficult to cover my face with, because the material won't conform to the shape of my mouth. I go through the checkout, trying to hold the sweatshirt up to mouth, using the other hand; it's very complicated and when I get through I realize that I didn't get the original things I came in to get. I have to go all the way to my car in the parking lot and back, and on the way back I run into Natasha and Alona. Natasha is mad because I'm taking so long, she says they were starting to think I went to a movie.

Then it gets dark and I still have to go into the store, but I go into the wrong one, and it's some sort of pizza and gaming joint, dark and with very disorienting flashing lights. For some reason I go all the way in the back and around the place before finding my way out. It's dark now in the strip-mall, and now there is a fire truck with hoses spread out attending to some small store in between the pizza house and the grocery store. I think it's some sort of exercise at first, but then I realize they wouldn't be doing that on Christmas Eve, so it must be a real fire. I have to pass in their way to get back to the grocery store, and Bella is running around there too, how can I get her through here safely?

Next: Grandma's Rambler and Chinese Festival

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