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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

The Cat of HawaiifritzSep 27, 2021

I'm in a hotel room in Hawaii. We're supposed to be going home today, but we're not sure what time. "I'm not sure, our flight might have been a couple hours ago", I say jokingly to my traveling companion, who might be my brother Steve. I usually have a special paper that shows my departing flight in a certain place in my suitcase, but I don't have it. We don't have it anywhere on paper. We each pull out laptops and start searching for emails.

As we're doing this, I don't think I even notice, but a cat meows at the door. Steve, who is closer than me and only a couple feet from the door, opens it, and a cat strolls directly into the middle of the room, and then stops to look around and lick himself. Apparently he lives here, this is his place and the people just come and go.

Also stressing me out is that I have to get one souvenir for somebody back home, and that means I have to get something today.

Next: Pandemic Show

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