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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Teriyaki Sauce TerrorfritzFeb 10, 2022

It's night; Amber cries so I bring her into bed with me, and she goes to sleep on my right side, half on the bed and half on my chest.

I go to sleep too, and when I wake up some time later, she isn't there. I jump up, saying "Amber's gone", and awaken Vera. Pretty quickly I find her tangled up in some blankets on the floor, under the side of the bed. I pull her out and find she's partially covered in some kind of goo, which I take to be blood or some kind of gore, but on closer look it seems sticky and sweet, so I taste it, and it's teriyaki sauce.

Right then Vera, who was also up and looking for Amber elsewhere in the house, returns with a handful of sticks, like popsicle sticks, covered with teriyaki sauce. Well that explains it, Bella had gone into Victoria's room, dug the teriyaki sauce popsicle sticks out of the trash, and got the sauce all over her. But then I realize, I'm holding Bella not Amber, and Amber is still missing. Vera seems to think the situation is all resolved, but I'm saying "no, no, this is Bella, Amber is still gone!"

Next: Safflower Oil for Diesel

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