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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Bear EncounterfritzFeb 17, 2023

I'm somewhere out in the woods, doing something related to this big field of what appear to be overgrown Christmas trees. We're we just going through them all, but we're done, and I just make a last check underneath them to make sure there isn't anybody living or camping there.

We're about to leave, but suddenly a huge bear appears over the crest of the hill, running full speed toward us on a logging road. At first I think it's a polar bear - it's snowy and cold where we are - but I conclude that it's a grizzly bear, just with very pale fur. It's huge, but very skinny, like it is starving. My Golden Retriever Theo immediately goes after it, and they run along the road shoulder-to-shoulder, each growling and biting at each other. I am afraid for Theo, and also for ourselves, and he seems to be holding his own, so I don't call him off until they turn around and start running away from us, hoping that the bear will keep going in that direction.

So it does, and Theo comes back to me, but then I want to get a picture of it, so I get out my phone and start sneaking that way. I come to a house, which has thick woods all around it, which narrow overgrown trails you almost have to crawl to get through. I scrape through on the trails to the other side of the house, where the driveway is up at about eye level. I see the white fur of a creature on the driveway, coming back in my direction, but it isn't the bear, it's just a full-sized poodle that happened by.

But the bear might come back, and it occurs to me that it will be a lot faster at getting through these tangled trails, so I'd best not be caught here, and I start picking my way back to the clearing where my car is parked.

Next: Flood

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