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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

RV Snow DrivingfritzMar 1, 2023

I am driving a large RV, a bus-sized camper. I stop to pick up Vera at a place that feels like the intersection of Allen and Scholls Ferry, where I take my cars for repair in real life. As we start heading up the hill toward Washington Square, there is a little bit of ice on the road. The sun is setting, and I mention to Vera that it makes no sense to be driving this big rig to wherever we're going, we should have just switched cars back there.

I keep driving, and it gets darker and snowier. We find ourselves on this narrow forest road, the surface entirely covered in packed snow, in a traffic jam moving very slowly. Vera's car is parked in the margin between the lanes, and I jump out and pull her car into the traffic lane, then get back in the RV saying "ok, you can drive your car now", but I neglected to consider that she doesn't want to drive in these conditions. It's kind of too late now, her car is in the lane, but... well, I guess I can pull it back to the side, maybe under an overpass, and we can leave it until conditions improve?

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