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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Her Name is Probably KimfritzMay 15, 2023

I'm in a huge store, like a supersized version of a WinCo, with tall ceilings and a generally warehouselike appearance. Aisles go in different directions. The only thing I'm looking for, I tell myself emphatically, is kim chee, just that one thing! But I have no idea where to find it.

I'm in a hurry because there is this woman waiting in my truck because I told her I'd take to her home downtown. I said this sort of offhandly, thinking that I was going to be going that way anyway, but then I stopped at the store, which is in Beaverton, and now I don't have to go downtown at all. So I'd sort of like to get out of it, but now she's just waiting in my car, reading, and expecting me to deliver her home.

Next: Disneyland with Amber

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