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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Mowing Down SignsfritzJun 14, 2023

I'm driving my truck in the snow, in what seems like a normal suburban neighborhood. I'm on a small street, and there are signs blocking, preventing access to the main road just beyond. I turn my truck around quickly, spinning the back around with good control, but I accidentally clip the signs and destroy them. I stop and take a look, but there's no way to fix them, and nothing around to use to replace the road block. So I start heading out, back on the neighborhood road on which I came in.

I don't get far when I'm stopped by a mob of the neighbors, yelling at me, saying they saw what happened and they have it on camera. They seem to think I did it on purpose and now I'm running away. I tell them I'm sorry, it was an accident, and I will totally take care of it.

Next: Nobody Helping Me Leaving Hawaii

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