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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

There Goes My Motorcycle!fritzJan 10, 2007

I'm out traveling. I'm camping by a river, and I want to go skinny dipping, so I get all ready, but there are strangers at both beaches. I slip off my towel and dive in anyway, as quickly and quietly as possible, and enjoy a night swim.

The next day, I buy a motorcyle. It's going to be fun driving it around. I take it into a bar that's on a high floor, but when I'm done, I can't get it out by myself. I have to drag it down a stairway, and the stair boards are upright instead of flat, and I'm wearing slippery shoes. Some guys from the bar are going to help me drag it down, but first I go back to another building, where some of my family are, to get more appropriate footwear.

As I'm changing my shoes, somebody says "there goes that guy on your motorcyle", and I run outside to see one of the bar guys riding off down the road. Didn't I have the keys? No, I didn't, it was all an elaborate ruse to rip me off, take my cash for the bike and then ride away into the sunset.

"We can catch up to him", I say, "who's got a car nearby?"

Several people say the types of their cars and where they are, and Keta says she's got a Toyota Tercel, right over there. We choose that one, but she understated the distance, and we have to walk quite a way. Then we get there, and it's a Volkswagen Bug. We've already wasted a lot of chasing time, and I'm annoyed. But I go around to the driver's seat and jump in, only to notice that the steering wheel is on the other side, and dad - one of the slowest drivers on the planet - is at the wheel. "Let's go, go go!" I say.

We head toward the road, but we're discussing how we've probably already lost him and my money and motorcycle are just gone. Dad decides we've got plenty of time for him to pull over and make a call on his cell phone.

Next: Animal Head Chopping (Gore Warning)

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