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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Where's the Party?fritzJan 23, 2007

I'm going to a party, and Jacki is going also. She's always been hostile of late, but I hear she's gotten over it, so I figure I'll drop by and see if she wants a ride. I park my truck around the corner and walk through the neighborhood to her house.

I notice that one of the drainpipes coming out from under the road is stuffed with many packages of Drum tobacco, in individual plastic bags, as though being smuggled. Interesting.

I guess I pick her up, but don't remember exactly. I end up in a mall store like Nordstrom's, where we're meeting some other people on the way to the party, who I think are employees at the store. The store is closing for the night, and they push us out to an outdoor area with a grass lawn and some seating benches. We're sitting around there waiting for everyone to be ready. Somebody asks what I'm wearing to the party, suggesting that the hosts have asked that the guests dress up. I look at the t-shirt I have brought, and its collar is quite worn. I'd like to go grab something better from the store, but can't because they are closed.

At the back of the lawn we see a disturbance, and it is a former co-worker, Daniel C. He is putting on quite a show, flipping and cartwheeling and catapulting like an acrobat across the lawn. The Nordstrom's people are annoyed and just want us gone.

Daniel pulls a couple of wooden boxes from nowhere and is spinning with them, and they fold out into these mechanical wooden dogs that point out in four directions and their tails wag. Suddenly he brings them over to me and they are harassing me, not in a frightening way, but in a chaotic way of getting in my face.

He spins again and they fold into a diamond shape with him inside it, and we are all amazed at his magical talents, but then he puts those dogs on me again. I'm amused by it but also stressed by all the wood noses and tails in my face, like you'd be if it were three real dogs all trying to lick your face.

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