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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Dream ComedyfritzJan 30, 2007

I'm supposed to be going to work, but there is a TV in the bedroom (which is a small hotel-room-like setup, not like my own bedroom at all). Natasha is watching a very funny program, and I am distracted. I sit down to watch it.

The situational comedy involves a plus-sized but pretty brunette transvestite who has a neck injury, while at the same time her horse has a foot injury, appearing like the skin has been peeled off his ankle. She's starting to describe to somebody how these both happened, and it goes into a fast-motion pantomime as she describes it, but obviously she's making it up. She fast-motion pantomimes several different stories, then slowing again to say no, hmm, that doesn't work, what really happened was...

Then she's talking about marrying her girlfriend, and she was apparently refused the marriage because they weren't both... single, the joke being that it was actually because they weren't both ladies, as if that makes any sense.

I realize that I was supposed to be at work several hours ago to do a presentation, and now I've completely missed it.

Next: Strange House, Stange Bathrooms

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