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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Creature Experiments, Lost Jacket, and Some ErrandsfritzFeb 7, 2007

I'm at a zoo with several of my family. The tour guide is discussing some water creatures that are similar to lobsters, but they swim freely in deep water and have a soft shell. She says that they can just barely see, just enough, for example, to spot a shark fin that fell on the ocean floor. She points out one of the lobsters going toward an artificial object the shape of a shark fin as evidence. I thought for sure these animals were completely blind.

Just then one of the swims past me, almost at eye level. There's no distinction or division between the air and water, and I impulsively stick my hand in front of it to see if it can see well enough to avoid the obstacle. It bumps right into my hand, apparently proving my theory. Mom saw what I did and compliments me on the good idea, although I feel kind of bad for touching a zoo animal, which seems an immoral act.

We walk up from the zoo and find ourselves in a hall like a trade show, with small electronic wares on display. One of my brothers is there, I think David, and I get excited as if I am showing him a familiar and comfortable part of my world. Then I realize I've left my jacket somewhere, and I have to go retrace my steps to find it.

Just outside the back door of the trade hall is a concrete corner wall that has gathered some debris, including several jackets, which I inspect to see if one is mine. They are very similar to mine, but none are mine and they are all dirty and smelly, like they belong to bums. I suspect that I left mine back at the zoo when I was doing that experiment with the lobsters, so I'm going back there to look. But if I can't find, I figure I will come back and snag one of these.

But instead I find myself on a shady street like one in a small town, with shops on both sides and trees in the middle of the road and the sidewalks. One of the shops is a restaurant where Leta works, and I remember I have something for her in my backpack. I go over to her restaurant and apologize that I forgot for two days to bring her this "fresh fruit", which has been riding around in my backpack. She says it's ok, and I give her the plastic bags like those in the vegetable section of the supermarket, with a small bunch of grapes and a few tomatoes. She takes them and cooks busily.

I then go back to where I parked my car some time earlier, but it isn't there. Instead is a Volkswagen Bug. I think it's mine at first, but then I think it must have gotten moved down the street, so I go back toward Leta's restaurant to look for it.

Next: No Bourbon or Bus or Backpack

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