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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Bad Hair Wedding DayfritzSep 11, 2007

I'm in the main bathroom at my parents', checking out my hair. I intend to get it cut before Petra's wedding in a few days, but suddenly I realize that the time is now, the wedding is about to begin, and I'm supposed to be in it as a best man or something. My hair is really long, and has streaks of bright color. I look for dippity-do, and find some on the shelf and begin applying it, trying to make the hair dark and tight, but it won't behave. Then I hear a cheer out in the barn, where the wedding is taking place. It's over and I missed it. Still I have to finish my hair, for greeting people and such.

Another scene, I'm hanging around with some girls, listening to music. I wonder who is on the CD, and she shows me the track listing. Nothing that I recognize.

Next: Driving on Lake, Climbing, and Friendly Girl

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