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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

VariousfritzOct 7, 2007

I'm having sex with Natasha in a house which is not familiar; she's sitting on a rack or shelf, I think in a kitchen. Then we realize that the windows are all open and many people are standing around outside in their yards and could see us, so we start pulling down all the blinds and curtains. Then we realize it's kind of hopeless, because I also have several roommates who are milling about. I think I recently discovered that both of them are gay, and I ponder whether I'm interested in that, but I'm not.

I'm in a park with somebody, maybe Rebecca, and we happen upon a raised plateau skirted by a rock wall. She climbs up a face that looks difficult, but I approach it and it seems climbable, although for some reason I can't get a good look at it. I say "is this the hard route?" and climb the part that I think is hardest, on the end. The rock is easy, but at the top is a slippery wooden rail and platform that are a little tricky. The girl is now on the ground, and I say "this looks like one of those places that you just have to go for it, and power through, so I do that, and reach the top.

I meet Andy in a store, probably in Newberg. He's thin and looks good, and his hair is huge, parted in the middle to two different hairstyles, both of which are black and kind of afroish. I greet him and say how happy I am to see him. I start to comment on his hair but I notice that it is snowing hard outside. "Dammit, it's snowing again" I say.

Next: Bad Poison Oak

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