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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Frustrating James Ray SeminarfritzOct 25, 2007

I'm at a seminar thing with James Ray. He barks some instruction at all the students, and they all spring into action, but I'm not sure what to do. I jump forward and dive onto the floor, following someone, and we slide into the doorway of a teepee that's there. I'm wearing a thick dark blue snow jacket. Then we reassemble, sitting on the floor, until he tells us again. I do the same thing, but then I'm not sure what to do. Some of the 'students' are hiding in sleeping bags, and some others are all down on all fours and crawling in a line along the wall. They seem to know what to do, although to have different interpretations.

I go over to James and tell him I don't understand what we're supposed to do. He says something that is two long, indecipherable words, as though it should be obvious. I ask 'what?', he repeats, but I say I can't hear what he's saying. It's a combination of not being able to hear well and not knowing the words he's using, which seem to be self-improvement jargon. He walks away.

(Earlier in the day I went to Chipotle and it was too loud to understand the counter girl's strong Indian accent.)

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