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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Audio Precision IntroductionsfritzNov 1, 2007

I'm at Audio Precision, down in the production storage area, meeting with some people. I think Audio Precision has moved, and this is somewhat of a homecoming. There's a sporting day here, with many different events, like a track meet. I think Dena is arranging it, and she is in the group that has gathered in a sort of organizational huddle.

Daniel P is there, and he mentions to me that we might want to tell some of the people around who he is, since they might have heard his name (or seen it on documents) but might not know him. He used to work there but doesn't any more. I think he suspects they have questions for him from his tenure. I think that's a good idea, and I'll introduce him as appropriate.

Jacki is also there, and she has a huge horrible hairy mole on her neck.

Next: Truck Wreck

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