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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Bad Bull on the FurniturefritzJan 11, 2006

There's a huge bull in my house, and he's always charging at me. The house is empty of furniture and belongings, and not really my actual house. There's lots of room inside, mom and dad are there, and I remark that it's hard to imagine how much space there is, seeming so full when populated with the usual stuff. I remember how open it seemed before I moved in.

The bull is curled up in a large overstuffed chair like a dog, which he certainly shouldn't be, so I try to shoo him down. He gets down but then starts charging at me again. I go through doors into kitchens and rooms where I think he won't be able to go because of his horns (which appear only for this scene) but he tilts his head and gets wherever he wants. We go back to the large living room, where we began, and he is butting me backward along the floor. I try covering his eyes, but it doesn't help, he just keeps charging.

Later I'm talking to mom out on the front lawn, this time very like my actual front lawn. Brutus (the dog) is there. I'm commenting to mom how I have this bull and he is like Brutus, both could beat me in a fight, but Brutus is inherently obedient whereas the bull isn't. I say with some frustration "I just can't beat him" (meaning "to win", not "to strike").

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