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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Beach CrushfritzFeb 20, 2008

I'm at the beach. It seems like the Oregon Coast, but I'm swimming in the water and the temperature is perfect even though the sky is overcast. The waves are small.

We apparently have rented a house a few blocks up from the beach, and I go up there and change, and head out on my bicycle to find some more interesting waves. Down the beach to the left (south), there is a rocky area that usually generates more waves, but today it is calm. To the north is a bay, which is also passive.

On the bay is a house that is familiar, and I have to push my bike through their hallway to get to the beach, but they don't seem to mind. I remember a night a long time ago, when these people weren't home, when my girlfriend and I borrowed their second-story deck overlooking the ocean for a hangout place. Some time later we met them and they let us store our bikes in their house.

I awaken with a song in my head that goes "Crush! Crush! That's the sound of a panty line!"

Next: Fish Again!

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