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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

McDonald's Burns at TenfritzFeb 7, 2006

I'm at home at my parents', and I've apparently got a job as a manager at McDonald's. Today I'm supposed to start, but I'm not sure at what time. I'm just about to leave. I find a piece of paper with my schedule on it, and I'm supposed to have started last week, and been working all week. Last week I was on vacation, somewhere else, and didn't realize I should be working. Nobody called me.

It's about 20 minutes before 10 in the morning, and this week I'm supposed to be at work at 10. But where am I supposed to be? My schedule has me working all over Oregon the first few weeks, and it seems this week I should be working in Burns. Where the heck is Burns? Seems like it's 45 minutes away, past Salem.

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