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Fritz's Dream Blog

owned by: fritz

Trike Ride, and Juice-Repellent Banana DusterfritzJan 8, 2009

I'm riding something like a recumbent bicycle, probably three-wheeled, and low to the ground like a Big Wheel. I coast quickly and smoothly across a terraced concrete park, with an artificial waterfall, keeping my altitude so that I don't have to ride uphill. I glide across a smooth curving bulge, to a sandwich shop at the top.

I ride into the sandwich shop, still on the trike, but it is crowded and I'm not sure what to order. I decide to go to a different shop, because I have to get a sandwich for somebody else and I'm not sure what she would want from here. So I wheel around back toward the door, which a man holds open for me.

Just outside the door is a flight of stairs, and before I can stop, I go bumping down the stairs on my trike. I wouldn't have chosen to do that, but actually it's smoother than I expected, and works out pretty well. I'm happy about that - now I can ride down all the stairs I want.

Down at the bottom of the waterfall park I stop by a pool, because I have something that is like the carafe to my old coffee maker, and the lid of it is soiled with some bright red liquid (*1). I think of rinsing it off in the pool, but there are quite a few people around and it seems they'll think I'm dirtying up the pool, so instead I just scoop out a handful of water, use it to rinse the lid as best I can with my hand, and pour it off somewhere nobody would notice.

Later I find myself at a brightly-lit fast-food restaurant, having lunch across from someone, perhaps Natasha, in a typical sitting booth, with a low wall on my right. Over the wall are two refrigerator-sized machines, circulating some brightly colored drinks (*2). I have in my hand a strange black object, the shape of a feather duster, but with tendrils the size of bananas sticking out the end away from my hand. I stick this strange object toward the juice vats and they repel it as if with magnetism, spreading the tendrils and not letting me get it any closer.

There is a heavy-set woman seated in a booth on the other side of the wall, with her back to me, but I'm getting a little close to her with this strange object, and she looks back to see what is going on. I apologize for crowding her, saying "but see, look at this, I can't get this thing any closer than here..."

*1: I put a drizzle of red wine in Sydney's bowl that evening which appeared somewhat similar

*2: I had dinner with Natasha the night before, at a Mexican restaurant where I discovered some similar juice drinks

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